Monday, November 8, 2010


What it is like to feel the intense obsession towards something or someone? ^^

Recollecting the memories, my first ever obsession should be this movie-

Yea, Titanic :) Never got the chance to watch it in the cinemas though ~sigh~, but there is a huge collection of merchandises stashed in the deepest corner of my cupboard. From stationary to the OST, you just name it! Even got my hands on some really cool Titanic poscards ^^ Imagine I was only at Primary 5 that time!!!

Then, Soo Yin came into my life and I got my very first taste of Japanese manga and animations :) I definately have to pay tribute to this particular manga-

Thanks to Slam Dunk I came to love basketball. But thanks to basketball, I sprained my left ankle and was told that I can never play the game again :(

When I was in Form 4, that was the age of RPG game!!! Was left to stare in awe when this particular game came to shore-

It was because of this game I persuaded my mum to buy me my first desktop :D breath-taking graphics, superb gaming experience, the trigger to the full usage of my creative right brain^^ Today, I'm still an avid fan of FF franchise.

Another good friend came by- Wendy. Don;t get me wrong! I'm not obsessed with Wendy, just obsessed with our friendship *wink* Wendy=The Sims- the most mind-blowing and creativity-straining game ever created and introduced into MY universe^^

I can spend 25 hours playing The Sims if ever God created 25 hours a day! I swear I will never get tired of this bloody game ^^ Now, that's what i call OBSESSION!

During my uni years, no guys saw me as a girl when I told them I watch this-

Skipped meals to buy the original DVDs! Induced insomnia on myself after watching too much of the anime :P Guessed it's from the radioactivity from my lappie...

Persuaded so many people to 'worship' this anime :P Am I guilty? I guess not, 'cause sharing is loving (according to my student^^) hehe...

Somehow in the mist of chasing after this never-ending anime got me bored, DAMN bored. So guys, no more Bleach for me...

Bleach was not the anime that stole tears. This did!

Obsessed with the surreal way Ai Yazawa narrate the story. Loved the sound track too! If ever I find myself a rockstar lover, it would have been someone like Ren Honjo. Sweet, sexy, yummy all in one package ^U^ PLUS, he plays both the electirc guitar and bass too ^^ dream lover :P

The obsessions of later chapters of my recent life (hehehe...) was all about Rock & Roll and Vampirism!

Larc~en~ciel @ Laraku- the best combination of both elements above^^ Hyde-san had me drooling all over him even though he is almost 40! Hottest Asian man alive! Love the way he and Ken (Vamprose) combine Rock and Vampirism into one! Just plain hot SH*T!!!

However, this is one 'sissified' vampire that gave the vampire kingdom a bad name-

Enough talking about the past. Lets talk about now! What's my current obession? Well, it's this-

Yup, people. It's Adam Lambert and his band ^V^

Actually, I'm more obsessed with this pretty boy- Tommy Joe Ratliff ~sweet~

psk..don't you think he kinda look like Nobu from Nana?!

And it's a definate thumbs up for the 'queer' relationship Adam and Tommy share

~awww~ Aren't they sweet?

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