Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Prayer During The End Times

i apologize for being extra mellow these few days.

not without reasons though...

so many things had happened and are still happening especially the catastrophe in Japan...

left me wondering-

how much time do we ACTUALLY have to walk on the surface of this world?

Earth is breaking...slowly falling, shattering into fine dust...

i anticipate every second that draws the hour nearer and nearer

and each time disasters like this happen,

a sure feeling just tells me that the end is drawing near.

it's never easy to accept this fact though I believe it will eventually come.

part of it is because there are so many things in life that i have yet to experience, to do, to encounter, to enjoy, to grief...

i'm feeling a choking lump in my throat and watery eyes while i'm writing this.

the hour is creeping in rapidly, silently, like that of a phantom...

yes i am scared.

i tremble with the mere thoughts of having to live to see the world fall apart.

i promise not to blame if you believe that Armageddon will remain a mere fantasy scene in the movies...

but judging from the frequencies of the occurance of natural disasters and conflicts among nations...

mankind WILL be put to test soon.

soon, but don't know when the time is.

and when the darkest hours fall upon mankind,

cries of sufferings,

mourns over dead family members,

pleas for mercy and forgiveness

will be heard- day and night.

but i believe the voices that He wants to hear when He decides to some and redeem his Kingdom would be the restless prayers of His people.

but we need not wait until that day to start praying.

pray for the nations who have yet to come to know Him,

pray for repentance and redemption,

pray for salvation,

in fact,

let Him know His people are waiting for Him.

let our prayers pierce the Heaven and reach His ears.


i maybe shaking in fear knowing that the days will not be easy when You decide to redeem this world,

but let me be steadfast in my faith and love in You till the day You come again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Meaning Of Kindness

some actions of men really disgust me.

i don't need blood-spilling situations to arouse the anger and disappointments suppressed.

the devastating earthquake + tsunami + nuclear plant explosion catastrophe in Japan doesn't seem to wake the ignorance of the nations all around the world.

people just don't care about the sufferings the Japs are bearing.

yes, i do not deny the fact that relief funds are being raised, people are flying from half way around the world to rescue victims.

the whole world is talking about this Armageddon-like tragedy,

but it saddens me so much because the netizens are not doing their very least to ease this time of emergency.


do you realize that the victims are actually trying to make calls to their family and friends just to make sure that they're ok?

telephone lines, the internet, undersea cables etc- almost all means of communication are severely affected

there and then i witness people visiting sites which are obscenely-loaded with multimedia like nobody's business.

some even loath the slowness and under-performance of the wireless line.

i mean, come on peeps!

give a chance for the victims to confirm their loved ones' safety!

i have friends in Japan and up till this day i still can't contact them.

do you know that kind of anticipation? the fear? the agony of over-worrying?

stop bullshitting about how much you can and intend to donate to the victims when you don't even learn to refrain yourself from surfing youtube, for instance.

it may seem insignificant if one person stop visiting these sites for the time being, but think the impact we can make if everyone come to their senses and give way for the Japs to make necessary calls to their loved ones?

don't get me wrong. i'm not against surfing the net totally.

it's not wrong to go on FB, check emails, youtube occasionally if necessary.

just don't over do it!

the message that i wish to convey is that let's refrain ourselves for the time-being. just a little while more to allow things to get better in Japan.

donation/charity need not to be solely in the form of $ and allow it to be some reasons for people to boast about their "generosity".

i believe we can show our concern through simple actions.

yet, many fail to realize the fact that small things matters most and start yapping about all the great, enormous things they intent to achieve.

when will there be a change in people's mentalities?

i hope we don't have to wait till THE day to realize that.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

安靜 (約書亞樂團)

Adam Lambert - Sleepwalker (Live) Great Vocals!!

Sleepfucker perhaps?

Adam Lambert Aftermath Acoustic AI March 10, 2011



as mournful wails and heart-wrenching pleas fill the silence of the aftermath...

may HE comfort you in this moment of devastation and desperation.

God is merciful.

do you think it was easy for HIM to wipe out the very being that was created according to HIS image?

do you not feel HIS pain when the tears of Heaven touched the earth the whole day?

do you think HE did not felt the pain of a father who witnessed the death of his own children?

NEVER deem HIM a cruel God for HE simply isn't.

HE's being kind enough not to make 10/3/2011 THE day.

HE's giving us more time to repent,

to turn away from our sins,

to preach the true gospel,

to bring HIS lost children back to HIS kingdom.

THE day is drawing near.

are WE prepared for HIM?

are YOU prepared for HIM?

am I prepared for HIM?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Are You Okay?

i don't understand why people like to ask that question.

even if i'm not,

it's not of your filthy business, sorry to say.

but seriously,

i am NOT not okay.

it's just me.

i'm a vampire-wannabe, DUH~

i AM supposed to be spotted brooding into the spaces, looking pale and anemic with dark circles under my eyes...

and i AM allowed to sigh at this world that just don't fit into mine.

it's awfully nice of some people to show their concern,

but it's utterly brute when you make feel as if something is wrong with me when i'm actually perfectly fine!

and sometimes, it's really none of your business.

i hate people who likes to stick their noses into other people's pants, sniffing butts.


i will tell if i want to tell,

not having to succumb to your endlessly irritating pester and demand!

gimme a break will ya?

after all,

we are not THAT close like you imagine.

the ugly truth-