Friday, September 24, 2010

Walaueh~ Splash Blood!

Starting from August, every 26th day of the month is my day to splash blood. Lady Gaga in VMA :O

Yea, something like that. The only difference is my purse is doing the blood-splashing instead of my physical being.

'Cause 26th is pay-cheque day ^^

Got my first ever product from The Body Shop- Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion which cost a whooping RM39 for a mere 50ml. Hope it works wonders like what the sales person claimed.

Took a virgin step into The Face Shop and indulged myself with a makeup base and also foundation. Both products blew a f*cking hole in my purse! (Still can hear the blood dripping sound from it~)

Surprisingly, lunch was kinda modest. Just mere seafood porridge. Price? No more than RM10. However, who am I to complain when I had a blast in Sushi King yesterday? Heehee...

Shopping certainly is the best exercise for ladies and also our purses *wink*

Do I look forward to the next 26th?


Thursday, September 23, 2010

7 Places I Wish to Visit before I Die

1. Japan- That's my 'birthplace'. Need to trace back the reason why people don me as a Japanese wherever I visit. Oh, and who can resist the temptations of on-sens and shopping at Harajuku? *wink* Romancing under the full-bloomed cherry-blossom trees would be nice :)

2. Pulau Redang/Perhentian- Wanna go to these beautiful islands before the coral reef are being wiped out from the surface of the Earth. Beautiful sandy beaches, crystal clear sea, a few cute guys or two...walah~ paradise!

3. Scotland- I heard rumors that they still have vampires over there! Hihi~ Wanna grab myself on a delicious one!!! XP

4. Rome- Must visit the Coliseum. Wished we still have hunky gladiators to 'wash eyes'~ XD

5. Africa- It's simply a fascination from young. To be able to witness the wildbeasts roaming free in the vast savanna is probably one of the best gift from God to Earth. Oh, not forgetting- peanut soup ^^

6. France- Fine wine, oudoor cafes minus geese-poop looking escargots heehee

7. Venice- The City of Romance. Who doesn't wanna be there to fall in love?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

He's Leaving on a Jet Plane

Had lunch with him today. Or rather I should say I treated him lunch; for the first and the last time...and I don't know if there's ever gonna be another chance to do so in the future.

I know how pathetic it sounds.

I know how pathetic I sound.

He's not the most gorgeous guy to ever walk the earth, but it was he who captured my young heart long before I realize that I was falling into the spell call love...

The pass few months must have put him through quite a lot of challenges for when I set my eyes on him again today, my heart was thumping in the same tempo like the first time it beat for this one man alone years ago...

It's not like have feelings for him again...but something just kept pulling at my heart in this torturous manner that I cannot bear...perhaps it's the fact that I won't be seeing him again in a long long time...

Didn't have much conversation with him just now. Was it the fact that I long to savor the sweetness in his voice; the way he talks and how he was able to ridiculously make me laugh with his witty jokes...

I wonder will he remember me just like how I will cherish him in my memories?

The fact that he was my first crush will never change,

and with that...

I wish him best of luck throughout his life voyage...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The First Meeting in Ages; The Last Farewell for a Lifetime

This week will be a rather surprising week for me; or so, the Sunday horoscope column predicted. Someone whom I haven't met in ages will reappear and reveal shocking news!

I'm not a 'surprise' person, you see.

My friends address Geminis like me as out-going, psychopathic dual-personality creatures. I may be fun to be with, loves cracking kinky jokes, enjoys inflicting pain on people for my own craving satisfaction (i.e. picking grey hairs at one time for my mum MUAHAHAHA ~evil laugh~). And the fact that I am of dual-personality, one must be praying hard that I'm wearing my 'happy' personality if ever they wanna give me a surprise.

Because I suffer from a faint-heart...

And gawd~ so the constellations were true...

He texted me, out of the blue, on Sunday night. He spoke of his return to his hometown and the new job that awaits him there. He sounded happy.

Part of me was happy for him. He was a family man after all. Not that he was already married; it's just that he was very much attached to his mum.


A bigger part of me felt lost. He was going to go… and I never had the chance to apologize for the pain that I’ve inflicted on the both of us…

I’m going to meet him tomorrow. The first in years, but definitely the last for the rest of our lives. It’s going to be a sad parting, I believe…

Perhaps this is a better way to stop myself from further blaming myself for the love I could never embrace…

Monday, September 20, 2010

Mourning Mondays~

I hate Mondays.

Serious, I swear to God I never had so much hatred towards Monday before this! Monday blues never, I mean NEVER occured to me until now...


A perfect day to turn my lovely voice into disaster!!!

How so? I have to talk right in front of say erm 100 'berng'-looking kiddos for 8 hours. Imagine that! It's even worst than scream your pleasure during sex!

Lecturing drains energy! And gawd~ I'm even thinking of making this as my lifetime career OMG!!!

Hmmm...perhaps husky voice turns men on more, I guess *wink*

Friday, September 17, 2010

~~~~~@ Raunchy Conversation @~~~~~

Last night; like my usual Thursday nights, I was seen hanging out with my girl friends at Old Town Malim. Everything was fine. Except that one of my girls brought a friend.

No. No. Don't get me wrong. I'm totally fine with adding new friends into my network. This new girl is nice, I mean she's a really decent girl. So decent that I felt like a pervert seen sitting on the same table as her. Hmph~

How perverted? You asked. Well, you see we were doing our usual girl-talk then it's extremely common for us to line our conversation with 'naughty' language. I guess my choice of words shocked the soul out of this girl's life, so much so she called for her dad for a lift and dash out of the cafe like the Celcom broadband rocket!!!

Didn't know I have such effect on humans...

I'm terribly sorry for offending her but I'm not going to apologize for being who I am. I mean it's a norm among me and my gang to speak like that. We all know that the content of our conversation are only restricted solely for entertainment purposes, casual talk. And it was by no means that I want to hurt her feelings... Not in aeons!

Guess I can only mingle among people of my kind...The naughty naughty ones^^

Then again, this is how I behave. I'm a good girl gone bad~ and I don't give a sh*t to what others has to say about me.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Aiyo~ Convo...

Been rather disturbed with a load of thoughts in mind, lately...

Money. Convocation. Money and money ~sigh~

Which F*cker started with the idea of paying fees for convocation?
It seems like we are paying money to "BUY" ourselves that flimsy sheet of high quality paper with nicely printed words and the signature of a VERY VERY important person to officially declare that we have legally graduate from whichever educational institution...(fuh~ can someone pass me a glass of water? Hee...)

Guess it's worth the RM100 paid to be called a degree graduate?!!

And how come a simple (though crucial) ceremony of a convocation has been so damn commercialized that even a tiny bouquet of flowers plus a teddy bear or two cost a damn hole in our pockets? Everyone seem to find every sneaky way to grab hold of some ca$h :S

There and then my mum's been worrying about my attire for D-day. Kebaya with agonizing and hard-to-walk batik skirt or formal shirt with slacks? Someone choose for me can ah? I'm starting to develop migraines like psy-duck in Pokemon... psyyaiyai~~~

Anyhow, I do look forward to 13th October 2010. The day I can lift my head up high for a very solid reason without being sneered as 'hidung tinggi' and throw my mortar board into the skies with pride for this day will be the best day of my life :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


1 teaspoon of disappointment
2 tablespoons of regret
10 ounces of angst
Cups of arguments
Jugs of tears (depends on your liking)
A pinch of hope...

That's my special brew for a perfect broken heart that left me speechless...

"I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your Johnnie Walker eyes
He’s gonna get you and after he’s through
There’s gonna be no love left to rye

And I know that it’s complicated
But I’m a loser in love
So baby raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts
Of all my wrecked up friends

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless so speechless"

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What am I doing here?

Woke up at 6:30am (as usual...VERY reluctant, sigh...)then head for work.

The roads were exceptionally quiet and empty, thanks to the school holidays and Raya. Excellent condition to show off my fast-n-furiously dangerous driving skills (*wink) but kept me wondering why I was not snuggling in bed like what my other colleagues are doing right now. ~DEEP sigh~

It didn't help at all when I was the first to arrive at my office. Dang! No keys. The chilling breeze of the early mornings left me shuttering-cold by the time my colleagues found me. I pinched my nose. Lucky it didn't came off. No frostbite! Hehe..

The office was quiet, except for a faint and rather eerie wave of Raya oldies from the ancient radio across the room.(Though it melodramatic tunes were devastatingly tarnished by my male colleagues singing UGHH~) Here I am, FB-ing and checking out wacky parody videos posted by "The Wang and Only"^^ I even have time to revisit my old FB games which I have long abandoned since the beginning of year 2010. (You can guess how much free time I have XP)

One by one, my colleagues sneak away from the office (I doubt they will return until 4:30pm). Guess I am stuck in this office for the rest of my beautiful Wednesday...

tik tok tik tok...

Can't wait for 4:30pm

Can I steal bone (curi tulang) too?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

wasted time???

it's been awhile...hmm...maybe not 'a while' i guess...
rainy days like this remind me of you...(i swear this is an involuntary reaction)
your voice, your laughter and your ever so assuring embrace...
seems like it was just yesterday that we come to know each other...
it's been 9-fucking months since i walked away...
away from you...
away from your life...
away from everything.
no it's never easy to deal with the pain
neither is it difficult to keep myself from remembering you...
memories played in my mind each day like a movie that has no end...
yet, why do i sit here reminiscing times that was lost
and can never be revisit?
i miss you (i guess?)