Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I Know I've Been Frickin' Moody Lately =.=lll

I know I shouldn't be saying this but...

Life's kinda wearing me out, especially these few weeks.

Often left me wondering if I can survive the next day, or even worst, the rest of today T.T

Why is it that life's so demanding towards a creature who wants nothing but a simple, quiet life?

Lately, my eyelids are so heavy I struggle to stay awake...

Not that I am sleepy.

Should just say I am physically, mentally and emotionally drained.

Sounds like bullshit to any 24 year olds out there, I suppose??

Young adults marks the beginning of their lives perhaps from the moment they get their first paycheck:-

financial stability = zero dependance on parents = buy own stuff = FREEDOM!!!

Now, can anyone please explain to me why I don't feel so?

Why is it that each day I feel more burden being placed on these frail shoulders? Not that I wanna run away from all the financial responsibilities. Neither am I escaping the duties to take care of my aging mum...

There's this unexplanable feeling of...I don't know...perhaps the best description is-


I just don't know why I feel this way...

Oh, oh, perhaps I DO know what went wrong! And all of which starts with an 'If only mum':-

1. If only mum stops acting grumpy and naggy

2. If only mum place more faith in me

3. If only mum didn't call me a bullshit the other day

4. If only mum didn't question why am I still staying at her house

5. If only mum didn't utter those heart-piercing words during fights

6. If only mum realize I did pay for house expenses too

7. If only mum understand why I keep silent everytime we fight

8. If only mum listen more

9. If only mum learn how to stop worrying over microscopic matters

10. If only mum chose not to bring me to this world...

I know I'm being crude to just pin point my fucking finger at my mum for this shit I'm feeling but YES, I AM moody because of her.

God forgive me for writing this. I have to write, need to , MUST. Because no one understands this feeling more than I do. No one will emphatize, they'll just shot sympathetic glances which my pride cannot stand.

So, please 'legalize' this post so I can retrieve some sanity before I do something stupid to myself.

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