Thursday, December 9, 2010

Pending Decisions

There is a long list of reasons why I hate to include people in decision-making. Call me fussy, bossy whatever. I don't give a shit. I just hate it when my plans have to live on other's mercy.

I admit that I don't have patience for ANYTHING. If I want something to be done NOW, means NOW, not 'later la...', 'aiya, chill la...', 'wait la...'. Don't fucking ask me to chill when the procedure is URGENT, as in I want it ASAP?!!!

Very sorry to say that I am no teamplayer. I DO NOT compromise. I DO NOT take excuses (especially stupid ones). I DO NOT like to wait!!! Every second is precious to me. And because of one small decision that I had to wait for others to make will cost me a lot. I don't have so much free time like you guys. I don't take things easily like you do. My brain will NOT stop from working out solutions. And the fact that you keep me waiting for so long drains my energy and that's why I hate it!

I AM SELFISH! I want things to be done MY way and not yours! My matters are urgent to me and if they are not to you then why is it that I need to include you in MY decision-making? Why do I have to give in to you?

Sometimes I wish I can just tell straight to your faces and say FUCK OFF!

But I can't...and I really hate myself for being such a wussy!

Now, there's another one hour and 45 minutes to 5pm. You better come back with a decision that fits mine or you'll NOT be in MY plan tomorrow!


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