Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What am I doing here?

Woke up at 6:30am (as usual...VERY reluctant, sigh...)then head for work.

The roads were exceptionally quiet and empty, thanks to the school holidays and Raya. Excellent condition to show off my fast-n-furiously dangerous driving skills (*wink) but kept me wondering why I was not snuggling in bed like what my other colleagues are doing right now. ~DEEP sigh~

It didn't help at all when I was the first to arrive at my office. Dang! No keys. The chilling breeze of the early mornings left me shuttering-cold by the time my colleagues found me. I pinched my nose. Lucky it didn't came off. No frostbite! Hehe..

The office was quiet, except for a faint and rather eerie wave of Raya oldies from the ancient radio across the room.(Though it melodramatic tunes were devastatingly tarnished by my male colleagues singing UGHH~) Here I am, FB-ing and checking out wacky parody videos posted by "The Wang and Only"^^ I even have time to revisit my old FB games which I have long abandoned since the beginning of year 2010. (You can guess how much free time I have XP)

One by one, my colleagues sneak away from the office (I doubt they will return until 4:30pm). Guess I am stuck in this office for the rest of my beautiful Wednesday...

tik tok tik tok...

Can't wait for 4:30pm

Can I steal bone (curi tulang) too?

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