Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Aiyo~ Convo...

Been rather disturbed with a load of thoughts in mind, lately...

Money. Convocation. Money and money ~sigh~

Which F*cker started with the idea of paying fees for convocation?
It seems like we are paying money to "BUY" ourselves that flimsy sheet of high quality paper with nicely printed words and the signature of a VERY VERY important person to officially declare that we have legally graduate from whichever educational institution...(fuh~ can someone pass me a glass of water? Hee...)

Guess it's worth the RM100 paid to be called a degree graduate?!!

And how come a simple (though crucial) ceremony of a convocation has been so damn commercialized that even a tiny bouquet of flowers plus a teddy bear or two cost a damn hole in our pockets? Everyone seem to find every sneaky way to grab hold of some ca$h :S

There and then my mum's been worrying about my attire for D-day. Kebaya with agonizing and hard-to-walk batik skirt or formal shirt with slacks? Someone choose for me can ah? I'm starting to develop migraines like psy-duck in Pokemon... psyyaiyai~~~

Anyhow, I do look forward to 13th October 2010. The day I can lift my head up high for a very solid reason without being sneered as 'hidung tinggi' and throw my mortar board into the skies with pride for this day will be the best day of my life :)

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