Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Hate St. Valentine's Day

bloody hell

this is the time when the world around me make me look so small...

so insignificant...

so starkly naked from the norms of the society.

yes, i HATE Valentine's Day.

the green eye monster's creeping in my nerves,

i'm having a hangover thanks to doses of bitter jealously injected into my veins...

i stand alone in the streets filled with couples holding hands, warm by each other's embrace, melted by soft kisses, love fortress strengthen with new vows and promises.

and i am not part of that event...

how sad

how pathetic

how nerve-breaking it is to me!

i have no problems with people who are already in a relationship! bless you and your partner, long live happiness!

the only person that ticks me off is myself.

not that i'm angry because of my lack of capability of finding true love,


the stupidity of an arrogant b*tch that allows her encounters with true love brush pass her shoulders...

yes i HATE St. Valentine's Day


i've only got myself to blame...


The Butterfly Scribbler said...

I like valentines day....lets spend it togather...laughing at silly jokes

Grimmfez Jo said...

sorry~ i'm only interested in men as in XY chromosomes. opps, did i jz hear glass shattering? hope that's not ur heart =P