Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cross Roads =(

how does it feel having fear and anticipation intertwined?

the frantic heartbeat- separated by a fine line of mixed emotions...

one second you are want to go for it, the next second you just wanna get outta the game.

this feeling sucks!

some people had their life dictated by another individual and they fought hard for freedom, let's just say i'm the opposite kind.

i would rather let my life be decided by someone than having to do the deciding on my own...


i don't mind living a life pre-planned as long as it's reasonably comfortable.

no complains!!!

but tis' not something i get to CHOOSE!

again, it involves decisions and it's be a pain in the ass lately.

i wanna get the hell outta that fucking place, precisely, that person.


dammit! it's so hard to find the courage to tell him to go fuck himself, in a polite way of course!

the right time, the right place, the right mood etc

all these factors to consider and it ticks me off!!!

i just wanna choose a road that will lead to to happiness.

MY happiness!!!

then again, happiness tends to come with a hefty price.

can i afford it?

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