Friday, July 24, 2009

23st July 2009 Peristiwa di Zoo (Second visit)

The visit to the ‘zoo’ on Tuesday was so exciting that we have to revisit it today no matter what! Nah, I am just kidding! The truth is we did not manage to complete the discussion for “The Zoo Story” by Edward Albee during the last tutorial sessions which is why we are looking at this piece of play again today. I can see the relevance of the tasks given to us during our tutorial sessions with Miss Dzeelfa. Last week we were required to come out with thesis statements for that ‘gatal’ story- “Sara and the Wedding” and this week our task is to find three supporting details to support the thesis statement “Jerry’s death signifies the birth of his pride and dignity”. I can see that the tasks that we carry out in our tutorial sessions actually give us a clear guidance on how we should work on our position paper. I certainly hope that for the weeks to come, more of such activities will be carried out so that we can have a clear guideline on how our position paper should look like. While we were cracking our heads trying to ‘ribut otak’@brainstorm for the three supporting details to hold the given thesis statement, Miss Dzeelfa popped a highly debatable question “Who thinks that Jerry’s death does not signifies the birth of his pride and dignity?” I was among the few who dare raised up their hands over this question. Maybe it is because of my own faith and belief that forbade me to succumb to Jerry’s suicide. Seriously, does death releases one from the agonies suffered in the reality? So what if Jerry’s death continues to haunt Peter’s life after making as if that poor lad was the one who killed him? Should Jerry take pride over such selfish act? Jerry may have chosen a striking way to end his life but at the same time he also stripped Peter out of his intention to live a simple yet contented life with his family and pets. Besides, Jerry does not even have the guts to slit his own wrist and that he has to manipulate thus devastate one good man’s life in order to die! I mean, can you believe this? If Jerry is ever to take pride in such ‘keji’ act, I think he should burn eternally in the flames of shame in hell! If only Jerry bled to death with the sin in his own hands, I would have agreed to his ‘brave moment but silly act’ instead condemning the sin he placed on the innocent’s hands!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Having live through a meaningless life, he might as well die "respectfully" i.e. defending the bench.

Suicide as i'm sure Jerry knows, is too easy a way to end his life- meaningless and cowardly.
