Friday, August 14, 2009

11th August 2009 I want my own autobiography!

There are normal people who led a great life and inspired many generations. Nelson Mandela was one of them and he will always be known as the true fighter against the Apartheid System in South Africa. His life-time long of rebelling against the system truly inspires the rise of many freedom fighters around the world. And I am grateful that Mandela’s life has been engraved into an autobiography that his legacy lives whenever a person reads his autobiography. I believe there are many other autobiographies about other great personality that can be used as good reading materials to be introduced into the literature classrooms. The lives of these great people might somewhat inspire our students and we hope that they can grow up with positive attitudes so as to succeed in life and leave their legacy to the next generation! (Oh yea, besides, my ego tells me that I should write my own autobiography! It just feels so good to know that all the hardships, struggles and pains that lead to your success are printed into books that will inspire many lives. You’ll be a living legend, and I want to leave my legacy to my students too!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


start writing one now! u might forget your experiences once u grow older ahhaha
