Monday, February 8, 2010

Fast Forward and Rewind

Tik tok tik tok…
The sound of the clock
reminds me of something that-
I’ve almost forgot.
In one week’s time,
we’ll all divide
and go separate ways of our lives…
Oh, how time flies!

To my friends, comrades and couple of enemies or two,
Let me speak a word of truth:
Believe it or not-
It’s time to untie the knot.
It’s painful, it hurts
The aftermath- worse!
But let’s not forget
All the wonderful things we’ve shared!

Flashback to our very first year.
Trying hard to focus ‘cause the picture’s so blur…
There, I see many innocent faces
looking forward to four years of challenges!
Assignments tumble like avalanche slides-
yet shopping and having fun was never out of our minds!
Second and third year was quite solemn to me,
We’ve lost Keera and Hsiang Ping, you see.
Up in the heavens where they rest in peace,
They are the friends that we’ll truly miss!
Conflicts and anger almost made us shatter
But thanks to theatre-
that brought us closer again together!

Tik tok tik tok…
The clock reminds me of something that-
Oh God, I wish I could stop!
Let time freezes this moment
and make it permanent,
for I can never bear the pain of this separation!

Some will be able to meet again,
But to many,
12th Feb will be the end.
Hugs and kisses, do whatever you can
Make your friends know-
Friendship has no end!

As I walk into the new chapters of my life
These memories are the batteries that keep me alive
For nothing will be the reason I forget
The laughter, the joy and the tears we’ve shed
Tik tok tik tok…
Til we meet again…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

auw~ this piece is so sweet.
going to miss u jolyne!
for u r very cheeky in class. hehe
keep on blogging cuz i'm looking forward to read ur poems n such.
